The Digital Transformation within the pandemic

Technology offers businesses across industries incredible potential to engage with people around the world at a moment’s notice. The pandemic helped accelerate digital transformation and created a landscape that will continue to encourage innovation and technological adoption moving forward.

When Covid-19 struck, it forced global society changes. Overnight, governments issued orders that limited large gatherings of people, restricted in-person business operations, and encouraged people to work from home. In response, businesses and schools began to look for ways to continue their operations remotely. The lack of ability to gather in groups required many professional organizations and schools to find new ways for people to communicate, collaborate, and complete projects while working remotely from one another.

Prior to the pandemic, technology had become an increasingly important part of the workforce and many organisations were just beginning to see the potential technology held in their businesses. Nearly half of businesses reported that they saw technology as a means to cut company costs. However, the spread of the infamous coronavirus forced companies to invest into creative digital solutions, discovering just how useful digital technology can be to their businesses. Organisations now had the means of engaging with their customers, and allowing more of a flexible workplace, all whilst following the government guidelines to work from home.

More businesses reported that modernizing their capabilities, gaining a competitive advantage, and creating a business culture that was focused around digital technologies all outpaced concerns about reducing costs. When technology is used well, it offers brands tremendous opportunities to innovate and mature in their ability to engage customers, answer their needs, and move forward in a new way. As brands have begun to embrace the capabilities offered by technology, they have also begun to understand and adopt this mentality.

Together, this helped to drive a digital transformation that has impacted businesses across all industries. Exploring how these changes have impacted the businesses can help people understand how organizations can embrace their digital transformation and what parts of these changes will likely be here to last.

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